I believe that all the answers to what each of us seek – is within us – I am here to help bring it to the surface. 

Personalized Integrative Offerings


Personalized Integrative Offerings *

1:1 Integrative Coaching

Individualized sessions catered to your holistic growth.

A space created to explore who you are today against who you want to be in the future. I use a “whole person” approach that invites you gain knowledge and challenge you to think differently to gain a wider perspective. We will also revisit events in your life that created your belief systems. Choose a few sessions to address an immediate issue or choose a series of sessions to take you to a deeper level of self-awareness.

Embark on a powerful and transformative leadership journey through the integration of cutting-edge coaching methodologies. The way in which you lead significantly influences the culture within your organization. These personalized sessions are designed to support individuals dedicated to nurturing positive and thriving work environments. Coursework will encompass various key aspects such as defining your leadership identity, exploring the narratives that shape our actions, addressing workplace obstacles, defining the ideal leadership style you aspire to embody, and implementing strategic leadership actions.

1:1 Leadership and Career Coaching

Virtual Creative Integrative Journaling

Engage in immersive journaling experiences that redefine creativity and self-expression.

The Journaling process is a valuable tool that empowers you to dive into specific themes using a creative approach, fostering self-evaluation, and gaining profound insights. By engaging in this process, you strive to enhance your self-awareness and delve deeper into understanding yourself. Through this transformative journey, you have the opportunity to assess different facets of your life, identifying key areas that merit further investigation and contemplation, potentially through therapeutic methods or Integrative coaching sessions.

Let’s discover YOU

We are a society that is based on achieving.  From an early age we are measured by milestones, which continue into adulthood.  These societal milestones can create significant pressure and conditioning. At certain stages in your life, it is important to check in with yourself and decide am I on the right path? Are my life choices aligned with my core values?  Is there something I want or need to change?

Those individuals that have reached a point in their life where they want to make a change or explore ways to optimize their wellbeing, benefit from partnering with someone who can help them with this exploration. 

The exploration of yourself is an important process for everyone. We develop mindsets from an early age from our family, our educational institutions, your religious affiliations, and relationships.  You have been gathering information and establishing patterns of behavior based on the information you have gathered in your lifetime.   The problem is that some of that information may be outdated, or you haven’t had an opportunity to revisit these mindsets to determine if they are still serving you. Many of us have limiting belief systems that are unconscious.  In order to evolve and create a life that is truly yours, exploring how you got to today is an important step in determining who you will be tomorrow.  

The wisdom of how we lead our lives and the impact we have on others are within each of us, my contribution is to hold space and help you to uncover the things that may no longer be of service to you and awaken others

What to expect in your sessions:

This is not like traditional Therapy - This is a process of self-discovery.  My process creates a place of safety and support, while engaging in thought provoking questions to help you evaluate who you are, so you can decide the best way to proceed in your life.  Depending on the issue(s) that you want to focus on, we explore the topic through an appreciative inquiry process. Through that process, I will ask questions that help explore how you arrived at certain belief systems. Many times, these are unconscious, and it takes asking the right questions at the right time to unearth them.  There will be aha moments! I also assist with identifying patterns that you may have unintentionally created.  The beauty of this uncovering is that it brings it to your awareness.  This self-awareness will build confidence and more acceptance of who you are. This will give you confidence to build better boundaries and develop your innate strengths.  In turn, my hope is that it builds deeper connections for you and positively impacts your community.

My background:

My background in psychology and business assisted me in the development of a method of inquiry that helps individuals gain a deeper understanding of themselves. This self-exploration can be life changing. My coaching method is always approached with respectful curiosity, appreciation and holding space for the individual. My own experience with burnout and trauma led me to a deep exploration of many different healing modalities and self-assessment practices. I have dedicated my life to researching and helping individuals get to the root cause of their issues so they can live the life that they are meant to live.

My intuitive coaching approach weaves in 20+ years of Positive and Depth Psychology, neuroscience, mindfulness, Reiki, and somatic practices. My experience includes leading large organizational change management initiatives, career and personal evaluation sessions, and executive coaching.